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Integrated Policy

Information Security, Occupational Health and Safety, Service Management and Quality Policy in the Aerospace Sector

The main mission of SII Group Spain (SII Concatel S.L) is to provide solutions and services based on SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURES. To fulfil this mission, the Management has decided to implement a Service Plan, Quality Management in the Aerospace and Defence Sector (ASD), Occupational Health and Safety and Information Security that allows the establishment of a Management System in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022, UNE-EN 9100:2018, UNE-EN-ISO 20000-1:2018 and UNE-EN-ISO 45001:2018 standards.

The Management thus assumes, as a responsibility and priority objectives, the implementation of the Plan and the design, development and maintenance of this Quality Assurance System in Services, Quality in the ASD Sector, Information Security and Health and Safety at Work to which it will provide the necessary resources.

The fundamental objectives are to achieve maximum customer satisfaction by determining and complying with the requirements established and the adaptation to the use of our services. The prevention of any non-conformity is established as a maximum in the system so that the absence of defects or their early detection and our customer orientation allow us to permanently occupy a prominent position as a company dedicated to the DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES OF SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURES for ISO/IEC 27001:2022, UNE-EN 9100:2018 and UNE-EN-ISO 45001:2018. For UNE-EN-ISO 20000-1:2018 the following scope: DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING, MANAGEMENT, QA, TESTING, AUTOMATION AND HOSTING SERVICE (FUNCTIONAL TESTING, INTEGRATION TESTING, REGRESSION TESTING, MONITORING).

By this document, Management wants to convey to all the members of SII Group Spain, the commitment acquired in a Quality Policy in Services, in the ASD sector, Information Security and Health and Safety at Work and extend it to all its suppliers, collaborators, customers and partners the request for cooperation to offer defect-free and sustainable services, always ensuring the full satisfaction of those who will use them.

The commitment that we assume as General Management is to maintain the focus on continuous improvement related to the progress of this company and all its collaborators, as well as to guarantee its quality throughout the service chain of SII Group Spain with the required technical, scientific and professional rigor, aimed at competitive, business and human development.

Likewise, SII Group Spain also has as fundamental principles, the preservation of the environment, the well-being, safety and health at work of its professionals, which is why quantitative objectives are established annually in these matters. Consequently, we declare and assume the following commitments and principles:

  • To carry out all activities related to the applicable scopes, continuously controlling all the necessary measures to ensure optimal health and safety conditions for our workers and all our collaborators at work.

That is why I count on everyone’s commitment to fulfill this mission and that of its basic tool, the System of Quality Assurance of Services, Quality in the ASD sector, Information Security, and Safety and Health at Work and I express the conviction that:

  • Quality is knowing our client, their needs and expectations. A satisfied customer is the company’s most important asset, their loyalty is our main competitive advantage.
  • Quality is adapting to the needs of our customers and offering solid and safe products and services that can prevent future incidents.
  • The achievement of the highest Quality will always be a continuous objective of SII Group Spain. We will learn from failures in order to improve and we will make every effort to locate the causes that produced them, so that they are not repeated.
  • To continue taking care of our regular customers and growing step by step so as not to affect the quality of our services, thus consolidating ourselves more and more in our sector.
  • To improve in all business areas to provide a better service and thus adapt to the expectations of our customers, satisfying their needs at all times on a secure infrastructure and in accordance with the legislation on Information Security, Information Society Services and in general to all that related to the services provided.
  • Maintain permanent control of legislative compliance by collaborating with the Administrations with OSH competences, information security and other legal and applicable requirements that the Company subscribes to and that are applicable to it.
  • Continuous improvement through the evolution of the Management Systems implemented (Health and Safety, Quality of Service, ASD sector and Information Security).
  • Protect the environment, prevent pollution and take action against climate change.
  • Promote the training of all workers.
  • To prevent harm and deterioration of the health of our workers, of the jobs on our behalf and for ourselves, by providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injury and deterioration of health. Committing to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to OSH.
  • Promote training and information, as well as the participation of all workers in the Health and Safety management system.
  • Continuous improvement through the systematic evaluation of the Health and Safety management system.
  • Encourage communication at all levels of the company to convey concerns that affect the well-being of workers. Committing itself to the consultation and participation of the workers, and their representatives.
  • Verify the use of products that comply with legal and applicable requirements and check their expiration.

The Management has the ultimate responsibility for obtaining the proposed Management System Objectives, and in this sense all the human, material and economic resources necessary to achieve them are provided, rigorously complying with the legal and applicable requirements. Likewise, the Management supports and provides all the necessary means and resources to preserve and continuously improve Health and Safety during the development of work.

General Management,

November 2024.