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For the third consecutive year, SII Group Spain has evaluated its Corporate Social Responsibility practices through Ecovadis, an international recognition related to sustainability standards as service providers.

SII Group Spain has received, for the third year in a row, the EcoVadis Gold Certification, far exceeding the CSR standards and positioning itself at the Gold level as a service provider. The company continues among the top 5% of companies with the best results. EcoVadis manages the 1st collaboration platform that allows companies to evaluate the performance of their suppliers in terms of sustainability in 110 countries and 150 sectors. As SII Group Spain, companies and organizations around the world have already adopted the EcoVadis solution to evaluate their global supplier base in more than 95 countries.

At SII Group Spain, sustainability and environmental responsibility have always been among the values of the company. And, once again, this certification is a recognition of a well-done work.