Value proposition
We invest in you
If you are young and have just finished your studies, at SII Group Spain you will find a shuttle to the professional world that will combine work and learning to become a true professional.
FUNgineer campus
You will have access to FUNgineer Campus, our learning and training space, where we will put at your disposal all kinds of training courses, adapted to your needs.
Official Certifications
You can be certified in the most innovative technologies in the market.
Benefits and discounts
Just by being part of SII Group Spain, you will have access to a variety of advantages and discounts in stores and ecommerce designed for you.
Remote Work and Personal Life Balance
You will have a flexible schedule to organize your personal life as you prefer and the possibility of working remotely if your workplace allows.
Flexible Retribution
You will have access to Restaurant tickets, Childcare tickets, Transportation tickets, and medical insurance.
Professional growth
There are annual evaluations in line with the Career Plan that is proposed for each of our FUNgineers, with salary reviews and professional projections.
Tech Vibes
Meet Up y Tech Days
You can attend and/or actively participate in various Hackathons and Tech conferences.
IT Community
We have a blog where we publish high-value technological content and to which you can contribute with your knowledge.
Centres of Excellence
We are committed to innovation and continuous improvement, and we work with cutting-edge technology in our Centers of Excellence.
Big Projects
You will be able to participate and be part of big projects based on the best technologies, for national and international clients.
Be part of our community
How will your onboarding in the company be?
On the day of your arrival, a FUNgineer from the People department will be waiting for you to accompany you throughout the onboarding process. They will provide you with your welcome pack, give you a tour of the offices, introduce you to your team, and make available all the information you need for your daily tasks. We want to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
During the first few months of your arrival, you will have an Onboarding plan and a mentor who will accompany you throughout your integration and learning process. This plan includes various touchpoints to assess how you are feeling, how your adaptation process is going, and how we can help you improve it.
Once you have completed the onboarding process, we offer personalized career plans tailored to your aspirations and needs. That’s why, on an annual basis, we conduct evaluations aligned with each FUNgenieur’s professional projection, including salary reviews and individual objectives. We want to grow together with you!
Find the job of your dreams
Check out our current job vacancies now and become a FUNgineer